![Lara Croft (Tomb Raider [2013])](/images/header/tr2013/lara.png)
Earn extra rewards when looting animal corpses and food caches.
(Purchase this skill as soon as possible to earn more XP.)
Thoroughly search crates and caches to find extra salvage.
(Another skill that must-have to get early. You'll be able to purchase weapon upgrades more quickly.)
Carefully looting animal corpses will reward you with extra salvage.
(Good way to swiftly get some upgrades.)
Resourceful archers can recover arrows from the bodies of enemies.
(Loot an enemy or animal killed with the Bow to retrieve arrows.)
Spotting hidden pockets on enemy corpses will reward you with extra ammunition.
(Another useful skill, get it as soon as you can!)
Increase your climbing skills to traverse the environment with more speed and resist falling damage.
(Press the Dodge button when landing from a [not too] hard fall to reduce damage.
Also increases climbing speed.)
Use your keen perception to find hidden rewards in the environment.
(Collectibles will be visible on the map and glow through walls while Survival Instincts is active. You can also place a Waypoint on one of these items on the map and use the beacon.)
All tomb entrances and map locations will be revealed on your map.
(Examine your map to learn locations of treasure maps and hidden tombs.)
Efficient use of bags and pockets allows you to carry more ammunition.
(Increases total extra ammunition you can carry for all weapons.)
Your increased strength allows you to carry the maximum amount of ammunition.
(Maximizes total extra ammunition you can carry for all weapons.)
Eliminate your enemies with finesse to earn greater rewards.
(Earn extra XP with headshots, finishing moves and stealth kills. Purchase this as you open the Hardened skill level!)
Stab enemies at close range with your arrows for extra rewards. Also unlocks headshot reticle.
(Press the Melee button while using the Bow to finish stunned enemies with an arrow and earn some bonus XP.)
Execute enemies at point blank range for more rewards. Also unlocks headshot reticle.
(Press the Melee button while using the Pistol to finish stunned enemies and earn some bonus XP.)
Unload your Rifle at close range to brutally finish enemies and earn bonus rewards.
(Press the Melee button while using the Rifle to finish stunned enemies and earn some bonus XP.)
Blast enemies with the Shotgun at close range to stop them in their tracks and earn extra rewards.
(Press the Melee button while using the Shotgun to finish stunned enemies and earn some bonus XP.)
Cleverly use dirt and rocks to blind your enemies and leave them vulnerable to your attacks.
(A lower priority skill. Press the Dodge button to scramble and then use the Melee button to throw dirt in an enemy's eyes to briefly blind him.)
Deliver two swift strikes with the Climbing Axe to stun your enemies.
(As reaching the Hardened level, Lara will be able to fight with her axe. Press the Melee button twice to stun enemies in close range with two swift axe strikes.)
Use your Climbing Axe to deliver a deadly, stunning blow to your enemies.
(Press the Melee button to finish stunned enemies with the axe and earn bonus XP.)
After dodging an enemy, stab them in the knee with an arrow to cripple them and leave them vulnerable to a killing blow.
(Press the Dodge button to dodge and then the Melee button when prompted to stun enemies with an arrow to their knee.)
Skillfully dodge lightly armored opponents and then strike them at close range to kill them instantly.
Press the Dodge button to dodge and then the Melee button when prompted to kill enemies without helmets.)
Striking after dodging becomes even more deadly, allowing you to kill almost any enemy.
(Press the Dodge button to dodge and then the Melee button when prompted to kill almost any enemy.)
Increases the amount of ammo carried.
Increases melee attack damage.
Upon death your corpse becomes an Explosive Trap.
Greatly increases the default passive detection range of enemies on screen.
See the name of your last killer from further away, so long as they remain in line of sight.
Reduces the recovery time between sprints and allows you to sprint longer.
Increases reload speed for the Crossbow, and all firearms.
Increases stability duration with drawn bows, and accuracy with all other weapons.
Reduce damage taken from shotgun pellets, but useless against bullets.
Reduces the damage taken from arrows.
Greatly reduces the damage taken from explosives.
Reduces the damage taken from bullets.
Greatly reduces the damage taken from fire.
Allows you to detect all enemy traps in your line of sight, disarm them, and steal those matching your loadout.
Stepping on traps or landmines will not automatically trigger them.
Reduces the health recovery delay after taking damage, and speeds overall healing.